Transformation of emotions

From time to time, we do experience sadness, sorrow, hopelessness, anxiety, and fear. We fight and suppress those emotions, we try to ignore them and replace them with some activities.   Unfortunately, those unwanted emotions are coming back again and again like an unexpected guests…This is an endless fight and we are searching for a way to release it.

We learn to observe our emotions.

Such an easiness just to observe and not feel the pain. We dive into the indescribable sweetness of awareness… We find the solution, and we practice being an observer. You know that stuff- beyond the mind, here and now  …We recognize our painful emotions before they overwhelm us, and we become really good at this. Many ancient traditions teach us that in many different ways. Just observing, staying aware, like in the centrum of a tornado where there is serenity and quietness. Suddenly we feel so much more space inside of us. Are we cured?

What is beyond quietness?

Here opens the door for new experiences of clarity and joy of being. We are getting back in touch with our power of creation, worthiness, compassion, carriage, and life within us…

The ancient knowledge of five elements Wu Xing taught us the transformation of energy and emotions. By balancing energy through 5 elements: fire, earth, air, water, and tree–  we can transform (not suppress! )our emotions.

Fire: hate, impatience, and abandonment to the joy of being, love, andfeeli compassion.

Eart: worry, anxiety, overthinking to openness, fairness, and action.

Air: sadness and sorrow to courrage and confidence.

Water: fear to wisdom, serenity, and gentleness.

Tree: anger and resentments to generosity, kindness, and vision

The Taoist wisdom of Wu Xing is multidimensional and we can understand just a little part of it, but anyhow we can find some ancient qigong schools, learn the healing practice of Wu Xing, and use it to improve our daily lives. By practicing Wu Xing we are balancing not only our emotions, organ functions, and overall health, but also we are developing our virtues as well.

More about one of the oldest known qigong schools:


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